A First Step

The day has finally arrived and I find myself fighting off butterflies as I type my very first post. 
Once I actually sat down to design my very elementary blog and to figure out the details of posting, I was pleasantly surprised how fun it was.  I posted several pictures up and down the sides to bring in more color and excitement until I become more "developed." (Is that the right word??)  Good pictures are one component I absolutely love about the blogs I follow, and I would be remiss to not add good photos to my own.  Which brings me to an agenda item I need to address soon:

I must learn how to better use my very nice Canon camera! 
We bought it in 2009 before we left for Disneyland and I haven't once opened the manual to figure it out.  I know how to put it on automatic, rotate the lens to focus, and push the button.  That's it.  I know this little Canon Rebel T1i can do so much more!  So not only am I excited about sharing my inspirations with you, I am also excited about being forced to learn more about my camera so I can take better pictures for my blog (I may be a secret photographer wanna be...) :-)

So that said, I will (almost) sign off my very first post by expressing how much I have anticipated this moment! 

We purchased a new house last year and I have fluctuated between extreme euphoria at the possibilities within, and moments of complete despair at all there is to do.  As I have worked on various painting projects, and furniture re-do's, and home decor displays the last several months, I instinctively knew I wanted to share the process somehow.  Before I was even convinced I would start my own blog, I was snapping before and after pictures (and tutorial pictures, too!) with this innate sense that perhaps the process would be valuable to someone...somewhere...someday.

I sincerely hope you enjoy catching glimpses into my little world.  I am tickled to death to finally have you here with me!  I have so many things to share with you and can't wait to hear your feedback. 
