My First Whoopie Pie

My delightfully crafty sister, Jody, passed on a Whoopie Pie recipe to me around Christmas time.

Can you believe I actually purchased Marshmallow Creme for the first time after reading through the ingredient list?  I wonder if southerners would be horrified:  One of my favorite bloggers, Shelley from House of Smiths, posted a recipe one day of her favorite comfort food: a Marshmallow Creme & Peanut Butter sandwich.

Apparently southern moms fix these sandwiches as a treat for their kids?!? 
I had never heard of such a thing.  We northerners are certainly missing things we never even knew....

Anyway, although I did not get to the very festive-looking Whoopie Pie recipe at Christmas time, I figured Valentine's Day was the next best thing. So, after my WONDERFUL one and a half hour nap this Sunday afternoon, and a very yummy white chocolate latte afterward,
I dug out the recipe and dove in.

The batter was extremely easy to whip up, and the cookies came out just like
the picture.  I was already feelin' pretty successful in the ol' kitchen:

Now all I had to do was prepare the filling to make the "Pies."
1/4 cup butter, 4 oz. cream cheese,
and 7 oz. Marshmallow Creme later,
the cream was done.

And I could tell right away it was too runny.
I tried adding corn starch, powdered sugar...

Nothing seemed to make it thicker.

(I think maybe someone snitched some of my Marshmallow Creme when I wasn't looking
so my amount was less than accurate.)

(My husband probably made himself a Marshmallow
Creme & Peanut Butter Sandwich when he
got up from HIS nap!)

Oh well. I went ahead and dolloped the creme on one cookie anyway,
layered another cookie on top,
and voila!

Aren't they SO cute?

Fighting the inevitable ooze certain to occur within seconds of snapping this picture,
I promptly threw them in the freezer in the hopes they'd set up with the filling intact.

So far it seems to be working.

And they DO look quite pretty.
And oh, so festive!

Perfect for Valentine's Day :-)

I plan to put one in each of the kids' lunches tomorrow.
They should thaw by lunchtime...
and hopefully there will still be enough goo inside to enjoy.

A VERY Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

Our Sunday School lesson this morning was from Luke 10, where
Christ tells the man one of the greatest commandments of all, after loving God,
is to Love One Another.

May you enjoy a day of pure, heartfelt loving tomorrow....
....maybe even find someone unlovable...
...and love on them the most.


P.S.  My dear husband Greg, upon watching me snap pictures of the Whoopie Pies earlier,
asked me to please snap a picture of the fruit he was slicing for the kids at the same time.
He wanted to make sure ya'll knew we are feeding our kids healthy
snacks, too :-)

So, this one's for my man:
