
Do you know what this means?

It means hallelujah....I'm motivated!....and I've got some serious painting ahead. 

Whoa, is that a water-based stripping agent and a putty knife I see?  Yes, I believe it is :-)

Here's a little secret: I've never stripped before.  But I'm sure gonna give it a try, and I'm feelin' kinda giddy about it.  It seems like a very grown-up thing to do, and since I just turned 40 in December, I qualify.

Something exciting happened on Tuesday that has my little head all abuzz.  I've been debating whether or not to share it, but then I decided that the only reason I wouldn't share is my fear that it may not work out.

And that's silly.  If this blog is a journey of beauty and inspiration, then sharing my inspiration with you is what All Mimsy is about---------is what I'm about.  So I have to share.

The reason I'm extra motivated this week to complete the following projects:

is because on Tuesday I happened to stop at a local gift shop to pick up some pieces of mirror this wonderful lady was cutting for me.

Her shop has so many beautiful things, everything from glass, to scarves, to wood carvings, to wall decor.  This shop also features products from local artists. 

On a whim, I asked if she would ever be interested in selling, say, small painted tables and chests in her store.  Painted by me.  Because I do that sort of thing.  And furthermore, this town has very little selection in terms of unique pieces of furniture.  Would shebe interested in something like that??

Do you know what she said?  She said yes!  She told me she would like to see the work I do, and could I bring some things by? 

Well, certainly I could, I answered this dear lady.  Very calmly, and in complete control.

I held my scream until I got back in the car, and then all the way home my mind began whirring about what I could have ready by the weekend.

Thus, the resulting pile in my garage. 

The two nightstands were donated by my mom as soon as she heard my news.  The coffee table has been in my living room for a year and desperately needs paint, so I threw it in the pile.

I paid $20 for the little brown chest/end table several months ago but just haven't gotten around to painting it yet, and the white console table is another "gift" from my mom (I actually carted it off her deck one day last summer, water damaged and all, and told her it desperately needed some love).

But before I could get busy, my first step was a major overhaul of the painting closet in our garage.  This is a great little room, perfect for all my painting supplies, but has not been properly cleaned out since we moved in last April.  The previous owner built the house himself and left behind everything from ceiling adhesive to bathroom tile.  He also left about six 5-gallon buckets of paint, which we will not need since I'm repainting every square inch of this house anyway. 

Here are some Before pictures of my painting closet (for the life of me I cannot figure out why they keep turning sideways when I load them?):

And a couple After shots:

Sooooo much better.

And look, I even organized my paint by color:

The silly thing is, cleaning and organizing this space took me just under an hour, but oh, what a difference it made. 

I really do like working in an organized space, but sometimes I get so excited to see results I don't take the time.  Fortunately, this condition has improved somewhat with age.

Here is a quick peek of the work I've done so far. 

Even though it looks the same, the coffee table top has been sanded.  The white console top has been stripped, although there's quite a bit of water damage.  Staining may be too optimistic...but oh, how I wanted to try!  I'm sure you'll notice the splash of red right away..heehee.  Sherwin Williams Stolen Kiss.  I just had to try it on these little French provencial nightstands because white or cream seemed so.......expected.  Plus, this little gift shop has so many bright happy things, I am just hoping they'll fit right in.

Oh, how I'm hoping.

Happy Projecting, every one,

