The Stash Room

A room exists in our home which we all refer to as the downstairs pantry.

In all fairness, about 20% of the space actually stores food and household sundries.  But truth be told, in actuality, this room is for STASHING.

In the Stash Room, I save and stash anything without a specific place, items I have yet to make a decision on.  It's a place for extra décor, frames I've yet to paint, candle holders and half-burnt candles, baskets I'm not currently using, fabric remnants, dried flowers ~ you get the picture.   

And in case you don't, here's a little help......courtesy of the day I went through everything right before Christmas.

The good news is that I was able to bless a lot of people last week.  A huge bag of hand-me-downs went to my sister, my mom received plates and extra fabric, my other sister received framed art, I donated a book series to a little boy we know, and our local Valu Village received a carload of goodies just in time for the holidays.

Even better news is that our pantry Stash Room is once again organized. Mr. Mimsy is very pleased about that.

And now you know my dirty little secret :-) 

Happy New Year~!

**And in case you missed it, we DO have parking spaces for our vacuum and shampooer marked out in duct tape on the floor.  Works like a charm, although I see Mr. Shampooer isn't a very good driver.

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