Sixteen Days: Linens and Sons

What is this love between a mother and a son?

In moments, her heart so overwhelmed it truly aches.

Her soul and spirit pregnant with hope for who he will become.

Right now, a celebration of his nearness.

So many high stakes and choices and crossroads ahead for him...for young men today.

What is this love?

Bending down to retrieve another sock left behind, all the while whispering a prayer for his life-giving and salt spreading and servanthood in the halls of school today.  Because this daily bread is now, this present, and grace abounds right now.

Complete, unconditional forgiveness for the neglected sock in light of these more important things.

Complete, unconditional love to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things.

A mother's heart beats with the cadence of prayers for her son.

I am listening to a beautiful story in the mornings this week, a love story between a mother and a son.  A God story, really, because in ourselves we simply do not have the capacity to love that long, that completely, and that well.

But He does.  And through our love for Him, we do, too.

I was going to share about linen closets today, and in a sense I guess I have.  The basket of toilet paper, the shaker-style cabinet where I've hidden the extra towels (shhh), the beautiful stack of themed, monogrammed pillow cases from Grandma Coon, the beach towels up high ordered from a Lillian Vernon catalog oh so many years ago....'s straightforward and plain as far as linen closets go, this tiny space in my boys' bathroom.

But it speaks of the life we are living right now, a life that requires cleaning and upkeep and order to maintain a white margin in our days.

I see these charcoal towels and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for two rapidly growing bodies that still need towels every day, who will come find me if they're missing.

I love it when they come find me.

Complete, unconditional love for using all seven towels and not hanging even one of them back up.

It's still a training grounds around here, after all.

But this love?

It pulses with such force and fullness, I may never understand it.

I see yet dimly.

Until that day.....When I shall see face to face.

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