
March 24, 2011

Update and Cherished Words

I have so missed All Mimsy this week.

I spent last weekend in Anchorage with some very fun shopping buddies (my own little Amaya being one of them, since we celebrated her 6th birthday while there).  Although I had compiled quite a shopping list of items, clothing was unfortunately scooted to the bottom as I spent most of my budget on house items instead.  I was excited to find several things on my list, and acquired a few unexpecteds as well. Sadly, however, my  wardrobe is becoming more and more dated...a malady Mr. Wonderful and I have discussed often of late as we both officially entered our forties.  A major overhaul of our closet, however, will have to wait.  So many other fun things to do!

Upon my return, however, my computer began hiccuping, then dying at unexpected (and quite inconvenient) times, and eventually ceased turning on altogether.  My dear husband suspects his repair job on the power cord, completed last December when our teething puppy happily chewed it to oblivion, finally reached its statute of limitations and is no longer providing adequate power to our computer.  A new cord has been ordered and should arrive any day.  What this means, though, is that all my home and project photos are currently inaccessible.  As is my photo editing software.  Such a bummer.

A bummer because I can hardly wait to show you the goings-on around here the last couple of weeks.

I was able to finish a sorry-looking wooden desk for my son's room (full Before and After pics coming soon!), I hung some pretty pink plates on the wall outside Amaya's bathroom (so feminine), and even managed to finally display three very meaningful saucers once belonging to my grandma, which have been in my possession for several years but have left me uncertain as to their display. 

I can't wait to show you how they look.

Speaking of my grandma, I received something in the mail today that literally brought tears to my eyes.  My sister Jody, unbeknownst to me, had sent me a devotional/prayer book---the title of which I do not recall having seen before.  Curious, I opened the front cover and felt my heart skip a beat when I immediately recognized my late grandma's handwriting.  It did not take me long to realize the book was mine, undoubtedly a high school graduation gift judging from the date written inside.  The book must have been lost in our family's move that same year, and now 22 years later it had found its way back to me.

With a personal note in my grandmother's own handwriting.

"May the Lord bless and keep you."

It felt as if I were reading those words for the first time.  As if grandma was saying those precious words to me today...from heaven.

What an absolute treasure. 

Because of my grandparents' lives, the legacy of faith in our family extends far.

I am like Shelby's fiance, Jackson, in the classic film Steel Magnolias.  I, too, come from "good people." 

Hopefully I will be up and running with new pics by the weekend.  Happy Spring! 


1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there to see you open the book. :)

    I'm with you on the wardrobe. I have postponed clothes shopping for the last 6 months since I was planning to be pregnant. Now my clothing choices are just sad. Fortunately, the hubs is thinking he needs an update too. Hello, shopping!
