
March 3, 2011

Vignette and Update on Hallway

Unlike I promised last post, this post will not be showing my bathroom re-do yet but I assure you it will come soon! :-)

I'm back :-)

Can you believe I'm still working on painting my hallway?

Yes, it's true.  With Mr. Wonderful's surgery, a daughter with strep throat, wrapping up our Bible study, and 3 family birthdays over the last two weeks, I have found very little time to paint.

A couple nights I even took the night off and laid down beside my husband to watch Netflix.  We started a BBC series called "Wives and Daughters" and are really enjoying it.

I am on a lifelong journey about spending my time wisely.

About prioritizing my God, my family, my projects, my ministries.

About learning how to really rest.  And more importantly, when to really rest.

So as I sit down to post this afternoon, I realize my unfinished hallway has been a wonderful lesson for me.  In the midst of its "undone-ness," I have still been able to laugh with my kids, take bubble baths with my favorite husband, watch movies, and sing Happy Birthday.  It's been a wonderful two weeks.

I did manage to squeeze in a fun little vignette, however :-) 

I bought this wonderful cabinet back in 2003 at one of my favorite gift shops in Soldotna, AK, called 'Donna's'.  The owner was cleaning things out for the holiday season, saw me pining over this, and offered me an amazing deal to take it away.  I decided to help her out :-)

This may be one of the only pieces in my house I have not once considered painting.  I love the authentic stained finish, the age of the wood, the cracks and shrinkage from our dry winters .  I love everything about it. 
On this night, I gathered everything I had in shades of white and cream, knowing these colors would stand out nicely against the dark wood.

But before I go on, I must tell you about a wonderful idea I saw in Ballard Designs the other day.  Someone took old paperbacks, tore the covers and backs off, then bundled them together with twine to make a vintage-looking accessory that looks amazing wherever you place it.  Ballard charges $18-25 per bundle, Antiqued Book Bundles.

I have enough paperbacks and twine in this house to make several for free :-)

So I did. 

Here are a couple pictures of the accessories I chose to display in my lovely little cabinet:

 Do you spot the 'for free' antiqued book bundles?  I really encourage you to try this...they look so pretty and add a lot of character to a display.

The white candlestick pair I found at Valu Village for $2.99; the little white pitcher was there as well for $4.99.  (I'm always on the lookout for white dishes because I love them for display.  I will usually pick them up when I see them if they have a fun pattern or a pretty shape to them.)

The framed print in the background I printed on cardstock from The Graphics Fairy, a wonderful website for free downloads of all kinds of artwork.

This picture is of my older brother John and me, and it melts my heart each time I look at it. 

When we were in high school and experiencing dating woes together, we used to joke we should just marry one'd be sooo much easier :-)  I really did adore him, and I still do.  His love and acceptance helped buoy me through many a boyfriend heartache!

I love that I have a picture of the two of us on display in my house.

Completed product:

And that's my accomplishment this week :-)

A little bit of family, little bit of vintage...............a lot of me.

I hope to show pictures of my hallway within the next couple days.  Mr. Wonderful has agreed to help me paint tonight, which makes me looooove him even more than ever, because I didn't even ask.


1 comment:

  1. Bubble baths with your favorite husband? As opposed to your least favorite husband? :) I love it!

    I have always loved that photo of you and John too, and how you both have such similar expressions on your faces.

    I'm going to try that paperback book trick soon.
