
October 11, 2012

Authenticity....or Not

Well, I missed day 9 and 10 of my 31-day posting challenge...but that's okay.  Life goes on around here, and most often it's the very joys of this life which keep me from my computer. 

Which is perfectly fine by me ~

The line about life reminds me of one of many favorite Steel Magnolia quotes:
Life marches on, and before you know it,
it's marching right across your face. 

Oh, gotta love that one ;)
Our church began Christmas Program rehearsals this last week which take up time, but with the whole family involved it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make ~ such a meaningful opportunity to minister to others the true meaning of Christmas, and also experience the goings-on of a production...always nerve-wracking, invigorating, and rewarding. 

Mr. Wonderful's teaching in Kenai this week and we miss him dearly, but he's been able to touch base with several old friends from our 12 years there.  He must've had plenty of extra time because not only did he change our wireless carrier while in  Kenai, he's also bringing me home a new iphone 5.

Which is crazy because on a scale of 1 to 10, a new phone for me would be maybe a 2?  And I've never had an iphone before.  A smartphone, yes....but not an iphone. 

Furthermore, I'm not really a gadget/app~crazy/downloading kind of gal.

But I must admit I'm a wee bit excited.  And this may be the first time ever I possess something new technology-wise prior to its upgrade.

I managed to fit in a few home decorating projects this week in the midst of other busy-ness because....

.....well, because it makes me happy in ways an iphone may never do.

I sewed these pillow covers for our couches from fabric I found at JoAnne's some time ago.  I wasn't completely in love with the fabric at first, but after working with it's linen-like texture and seeing how beautifully it brought several things together in the space, it's my new favorite fabric.

I may even have enough fabric leftover to sew a couple for our sitting room chairs, too.  For the couch pillows, I simply removed the Restoration Hardware covers and used the original down-filled pillow (LOVE down-filled pillows, there's simply no comparison).  I sewed velcro into one edge for easy removal and cleaning (a trick I learned from one of those previously-mentioned dear friends in Kenai , JoLynn.)

I decorated our front door for fall, although shhhhh ~ I used hydrangeas in the door bouquets even though they are a summer flower.  I can get kinda sneaky that way.

There may be some people who could never, ever be this inauthentic with their flower usage.  Hmmmm.... my personal thought is, if the color is right, why worry about seasonal authenticity?

Speaking of seasonal authenticity, I also "planted" spring cherry blossoms in my sitting room urn:

Is this simply more deception than you can bear, flower authenticity people? 

Let me simply remind you of one of my favorite mantras:

A little imperfection makes everyone more comfortable.

May I invite you in for hot cider as we sit amidst leaf projects, dust bunnies, stacks of library books, shoes and coats improperly stored, and my inauthentic flowers?  We'll have a grand time!


1 comment:

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