
September 5, 2013

Blue-Grey Buffet

Hello again ~ after a wonderful Labor Day weekend visiting family in Anchorage and Wasilla, it feels good to be back home.  With one child gone moose hunting with Mr. Mimsy this week, homeschooling only two seems like a breeze.  We're getting so much done!

I finished painting this buffet recently and wanted you to see.  I was trying to recreate a color I'd seen in Ballard Designs' Casa Florentina collection called Distressed Blue Gray.  I think I came pretty close.

I used Behr's Windwood Spring, a fresh, brighter blue than I've used before, then warmed it up a little by rubbing/wiping Minwax's Early American stain over it.

The carving on the doors is so intricate and pretty.

I love the design and heft of the original hardware.

This buffet is currently placed behind the sofa in our living room, a relief after not having anything there all summer.  Although the backs of my sofas are quite beautiful on their own, it was all the kids could do NOT to continually roll themselves over the back of it, lounge after mowing the lawn, wrestle one another over it ~ it was endless and I was beginning to itch all over whenever anyone walked within 10 ft. of the sofa.  I finally told my husband we'd better place a barrier there or our poor sofa would never recover.

Plus, I love having lamps behind the sofa so I can perch on that left end in the evening and read.

I bought this piece from a single dad who was doing his best to make ends meet while finishing construction on a house he and his wife were building together.  Then she left him.  It was a very sad story and I left grieving for him.  He was on my heart and mind the rest of the week so I prayed over him and his little girl for several days.  Sometimes God brings people like that into our lives just when they need Him most.

Here's a Before shot.

And an After.

It's always such a fun, rewarding task to paint a piece of furniture.  Whether I choose to sell a piece or keep it for my home, each and every one brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment. 

And that's a good thing :-) 


1 comment:

  1. It turned out beautiful Jaimee - what an amazing transformation!
