
December 9, 2013

Chairs and Boys' Rooms

Just before Thanksgiving I set my mind on reupholstering two chairs I acquired last summer, anticipating the need for extra seating in our living room during the Thanksgiving weekend.

(Have I mentioned how absolutely filled up my love tank is from so much quality family time over Thanksgiving weekend?  Long visits, crazy games with the cousins, poem recitations, cooking together, much-needed sit-downs over late afternoon coffee, lounging in our pj' was glorious.)

So anyway, back to the chairs.  I did, indeed, get them finished just before Thanksgiving.

They now flank the dark armoire that my husband asked me to never, ever paint ~ which is situated between our dining and living rooms.
I had a bit of a "what-to-do" moment when it came to covering the chair backs since the original fabric wrapped underneath from the front and continued on up the back.  But since my fabric was French scripted, wrapping up the back would make my script read upside down.

So what did I do?  Wrapped it up the back. 

I'm so naughty.  Precise upholsterers will hate me for this, but I'm really okay with that. 

Plus, one has to admit that upside-down fabric is still an improvement from the original Before chair, so I'm calling it good.

 Over the weekend I was able to get my oldest son's bedroom painted.  He's 13 (almost 14) now and decided he'd outgrown the dinosaur/archaeology theme of his previous space; plus, when I found this old barnwood bed on Craigslist in August, we were both excited to makeover his room again. 

His only request was to have some blue in there, so I think I'll keep things pretty neutral and add navy, gray and orange accents.  I used Sherwin William's Wool Skein for the walls and was happy to have enough leftover to paint the boys' bathroom as well, which has needed to be done since we moved in three years ago.

Both rooms look so much brighter now.  Their blank slates are inspiring me to no end.

It suddenly occurred to me, while painting, to remove this nasty sliding shower door
and hang a fabric shower curtain instead (don't ask me why this did not occur to me until two days ago....)
In fact, I've already found the perfect shower curtain to use in its place, inspiring an industrial/vintage theme for the bathroom.  I can't wait!
Bed, Bath and Beyond

In the meantime, I really need to focus on some Christmas things.  We don't even have our tree up yet!  Thankfully my firefighter is off tomorrow, so I think I'll be planning a Spatial Relations math lesson say, oh, right about Silver Bells time tomorrow??



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