
March 14, 2014

On My Nightstand

I've discovered a writer whom I really, really love.

I don't even know if it's proper to say I love someone I've never met, but this writer has already touched my heart in a Million Little Ways.

This week I was reading Ms. Freeman's blog, and one particular phrase resonated so completely within me I immediately jotted it down in my planner.

Then, a day later, I took another step and typed it in a Microsoft Word document.  In yellow.

Even then, I just couldn't stop.  Inserting a creamy hue of cardstock in my printer, I ran off an "official copy," then scavenged in my Stash Room for a picture frame.

Before I knew it, there it was, on my nightstand, for me to see every day.

In a few simple words, attempting to describe herself, Ms. Freeman unintentionally nailed me.  Only I didn't even realize this WAS me until, with her gifting, she artfully expressed parts of who I really am inside.

And it felt kinda revealing, because I'm not always brave enough to admit the Brooding part.  But it's there.

I was struck by her insight not only to recognize these conflicting qualities within herself, but to express these qualities with words like "Sunshine" and "Brood." 

It made me love her even more.


1 comment:

  1. You brood? Well I'll be...

    Thanks for the book recommendation. Love you oodles!
