
May 5, 2011

Just to Say

I am popping in to say hi.  After a week in Denver celebrating a dear friend's 40th, I've had a difficult time reconnecting with All Mimsy.  Certainly not because I don't miss it.  I do, very much. 

I think it has more to do with nature.  Not my own, but the one outside.

Since our return on Sunday, nature has been pulling me out..out...out...away from the walls of my rooms, away from my painted furniture, away from my projects, away from my interior creative focus.

With the sun on my face and a spring breeze in the air, I have been raking, cleaning up fallen trees and branches around the yard, planning our landscaping for the summer, preparing my pots for bundles of colorful flowers.

What a refreshing, much needed breath of fresh air.

No worries, though, as I am already feeling a pull back to my blogging world. 

I visited an enormous antique store in Denver and have some fun pictures to show of that.  We purchased some new furniture for our living room and master bedroom while on a layover in Seattle. 

( Moment of truth beginning right now:....I'm slowly getting over the guilt of our new furniture not being from a thrift store.  In all honesty I truly struggled with it...and still do.  Not only do I love a good deal, but I love sharing junk to treasure stories on All Mimsy, and that's a bit hard to do with new furniture.  However, as my sister reminded me today, it's important to have a mix of the old and new, of the quality and the not-so-much .  And I would have to agree.  And I think for me, too, the bottom line is when it comes to couches and beds, it's probably a good idea to opt for quality.  So that's my story, and I'm tryin' real hard to stick to it.)

The new furniture is a wonderful spring board to more creativity, although it isn't due to arrive for a few more weeks.  Let me just say ~if I may~ that the couches are my bestest dream come true (insert swoon).  I've drooled over them for almost a year...the shape and design being a true work of art.  I've learned that when I find something I like that much, it's usually worth waiting for.  The fact that Mr. Wonderful liked them enough to give me the green light was even better!

My tomorrow project is to repaint a sign for my mom for Mother's Day this weekend.  She is not aware we stole it from the tree by her driveway today :-)  It will be a fun surprise since she's mentioned to me several times how much she wants to make it nicer.

Now I just hope she doesn't read my blog before the big reveal. 

Are you reading this, Mom? 

If you are, call me :-)


1 comment:

  1. Are you re-doing the family sign with all our names?
