
February 22, 2012

Gallery Wall

Hello friends!  I know it seems I've been out of the loop for awhile, but just like "Objects in Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear," I will claim the following:

"Projects Are Completed Even When Not Appearing in Blog" :) 

We are just coming off a four-day weekend.  Between sledding with my kids in the dark on a huge bumpy hill (quite a thrill), hiding behind tall boots in my closet for an eternity playing Sardines in the house (best hiding place ever), and spending time with friends from church, I was able to complete a gallery wall in our hallway featuring photos from a shoot we took in Maui a couple months ago.  We could not have been happier with the results of the photoshoot:  sunset, Hawaiian beach, tanned family, couldn't have been better.

Here's the completed wall:

I've been tossing in doses of turquoise lately and loving the results.  Such a happy color: 

For this wall, I selected pictures that showed our family simply being us; no poised, pasted smiles this time.  I find as the kids get older, it's more difficult to capture the essence of their personalities in a typical family photo, so we tried to capture everyone in action instead.  I think it worked :)

I ordered the vinyl "Family Rules" from H of S Designs and backed the frame with a leftover swatch of paint drop cloth used to make a tree skirt last Christmas.  Such an inexpensive option for nubby, linen-type fabric.

I smile each time I walk by and see all the fun in everyone's face on this wall.

I also recently sewed a little ruffle using grosgrain ribbon to personalize the lampshades in our living room:

....and have begun the gradual transformation of this pair of old, ho-hum bookshelves in my sitting room...

...into this, using my first shipment of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in French Linen and Provencal.  No sanding or priming required; gotta love that.

I antiqued this portion of top molding to sample the finished product ~

The colors match my chairs perfectly, so I'm going for it.  So far I've only antiqued one bookshelf.  These babies are taking a long time!

The chalk paint is distressing beautifully; I think I'm the newest fan of this product that started hitting blogs about a year ago.  It really is pretty amazing stuff.

Off to spend some quality time with Mr. Wonderful who just walked in from a late class. 

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. You always inspire me, sister! I love that gallery wall, particularly the Family Rules sign. I've wanted to make/buy one of those for awhile now. I didn't know Shelley had such a great design for one. And I'm glad you are loving the chalk paint so far. Wish I could be there painting with you!
