
February 25, 2012

Lazy Day

I started today with such high hopes.  So many tasks I needed to do, so many projects I wanted to do, and an entire day before me.

I hardly knew where to start. 

However, with piles of family laundry strewn throughout the house, starting here was a no-brainer:

After washing and drying a couple loads, I retrieved the mail on the way back from the kids' make-up piano lesson.  After a quick lunch, our dining room table then looked like this:

Of course, while the kids were at piano, I managed to stain a few more of my sitting room shelves and call my sister-in-law to say hi.  The other end of the dining room table then looked like this:

Meanwhile, with everyone home today, our kitchen has become Grand Central Station.  You all know what that means.  A floor that looks like this:

Around 1:30, I was so tired and unmotivated I placed a "Please Do Not Disturb" sign on my bedroom door and took a nap with the sunshine streaming in on my face.  Ahhhhhhh.

So much for tackling projects.

Some days I can't seem to slow myself down.  I feel creative, loaded with energy and full of inspiration.  Recently, those are the days I've accomplished simple home decor projects like this (wall canvases in the back bin at Lowe's for $14.99 each!):

And this.....

(Have I mentioned lately how much I love these two Behr Embellished Blue chairs I refinished last summer?  They seem to look great wherever I place them.  Every home needs a few pieces like this.)

And this (still working on my daughter's bathroom, searching high and low for towels and a rug, but her vanity is the real show-stopper.):

Hmmmmmm.  Not really sure what happened today.

But as I sit here on my bed blogging, the sun still shining, I'm feeling better already.  For two reasons.

One, I've been sitting here sipping one of these:

And Two, posting my prior inspiration pictures has me feeling the first stages of creativity and motivation kicking in.

I think I'm ready to go back and stain some more of these:'re right.  After I finish cleaning this:

Have a wonderful weekend, be it lazy or not.


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